Throughout our time at the park, I was teaching Liz to shoot in manual mode on my second camera body...she's going to be a fierce photog...more details on the shots below so have a scroll down and read!

A young family were trying to take some pics together but the father was having a hard time with his camera so Liz, eager to try on some of her new camera skillz, offered to take a few shots of them. I handed the father my card (so we can email him our shots) and then took a few quick shots myself.

Taking pics of daffodils is so metal. Seriously. Ok not really. I hate taking pics of flowers but found myself doing it anyway...I dig sun flare too!

Liz disappeared for a bit and I found her under a tree on a path making friends.

Cliche' couples shot but whatevs - yes, her eyes are that blue. Srsly.
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